Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. About Desert CHEA Statement of Faith Why Privately Homeschool Our mission is to encourage, inform, support, and build up a community of private Christian home educating families. Join Desert CHEA Contact Us

Code Of Conduct

As members of Desert Christian Home Educators Association, we represent our group, home education, and most importantly, our Lord Jesus Christ to those around us. Therefore, please teach your children to behave in a manner that will bring honor and glory to the Lord. Review this code of conduct with your family before any DCHEA functions. Thank You.

  1. General Code of Conduct: These guidelines apply to all DCHEA events and activities.
    1. Be respectful to all authority figures: (1 Peter 2:13-17; Romans 13:1)
      1. Committee leaders, field trip guides, event hosts, and any other authority figures.
    2. Have an attitude of compassion for the differences, needs, or disabilities of others (Matthew 7:12; James 2:1-9; Galatians 5:22-23)
      1. We will not tolerate bullying of any kind.
    3. Act and speak in a manner worthy of the God who calls you. (1 John 4:4-6; Ephesians 4:29)
      1. Unkind remarks, profanity, crude jokes, or any other language unbecoming of a Christian is unacceptable at any DCHEA functions.
    4. If you know something may be offensive to someone else, refrain from doing it. (1 Corinthian 8:7-13; Philippians 2:3-4; Romans 12:17b)
      1. Even though you may not have a problem with particular behavior within your home, some of these things can be seen as offensive to others. Some examples include climbing trees and fences on someone else's property. Be respectful.
    5. Refrain from the use of electronic devices while at DCHEA functions. (Ephesians 6:2; John 15:12)
      1. Being on your phone or other devices in a group setting can make others feel less important and distracts from the activity.
      2. Students may not use electronics while at DCHEA events.
      3. Parents should lead by example. Please keep your phones put away so that you can engage with and encourage others.
    6. All register by, RSVP by, and pay by dates must be followed to attend or participate in an event; including, but not limited to field trips, Teen Scene, Tween, and special events. (Philippians 2:2-4)
      1. Deadlines ensure time for the coordinator to prepare for the activity, place orders for supplies, and meet the deadlines put in place by the facility.
      2. If you cannot attend an event that you have prepaid for, we cannot guarantee a refund of the monies paid.
    7. One parent/guardian must be present at all DCHEA functions.
      1. Exceptions to this rule are Teen Scene and Tween activities. (See section 7)
      2. If a parent/guardian cannot attend, they may assign another member parent/guardian to occupancy their child. A signed waiver is required.
    8. Be on time.
      1. Plan to arrive early to ensure that the event/activity can start on time and without interruption.
    9. Be in your place.
      1. Students should be with their parent/guardian or with the group unless otherwise instructed.
      1. No unmarried couples are to go off alone.
      2. Students may not be in any rooms without adult supervision.
    1. The use or possession of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, illegal drugs, and or weapons is not permitted. (Matthew 5:16; Galatians 5:19-21)
      1. Violation of this item may result in expulsion from DCHEA.
    2. Demonstration of romantic/personal affection between unmarried couples is not permitted. (Galatians 5:24; Romans 12:10; Ephesians 5:3)
      1. Wholesome friendships between males and females are encouraged; however, students should look upon one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.


  1. If you or your student have symptoms of illness, you may not attend any DCHEA function.
    1. Participants must be symptom-free for 24 hours before attending an event.
    2. ii. Please call the event coordinator as soon as possible if you are not able to attend.
  3. 3. VISITORS:
    1. a. All DCHEA events are for members only unless otherwise noted.
      1. i. DCHEA is an exclusive group with strict guidelines for membership.
    1. ii. On occasion, we have events that are open to the public, including our open house, Christmas and talent shows, and graduation.
    2. Parents are permitted to invite a guest over eighteen (18) to help at a field trip or other event.
      1. The board/committee lead has the authority to ask visitors to leave at their discretion.
    3. If a family is considering joining Co-op, they may request to visit.
      1. Potential members must sign in and be accompanied by a member of the board or another appointed member parent.
    4. All guests must agree to abide by DCHEA's code of conduct.



  1. DCHEA Directory, newsletter, calendar, Facebook group, and website exists for two purposes:
    1. For DCHEA to communicate with members about events, activities and to share other related information.
    1. ii. For members to connect with one another for social or school-related purposes.
  2. b. The use of our member directory, Facebook, and other communications to promote a business or additional non-related information is prohibited.

i.If you would like to promote your business, you may do so in the Business Directory on

5. DRESS CODE: DCHEA members must abide by the DCHEA dress code while at any DCHEA event. Please note that we are unable to list every possible dress code issue in this document. If a board member or a committee leader tells you that you are in violation, you must leave the activity and correct the violation.

  1. Males must wear clothes traditionally accepted as male; females must wear clothing traditionally accepted as female. (Deuteronomy 22:5; 1 Timothy 2:9-10; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Matthew 5:27-29; Romans 14:13)
  2. Everyday clothes: (1 Timothy 2:9-10)
    1. Clothing must be neat, modest, and gender appropriate. Extreme and offensive apparel is not allowed, including clothing that is revealing.
      1. Male pants should rest on the natural waistline.
      2. Female dresses and skirts should touch the knee in both the front and back. Girls should wear shorts/bloomers under skirts/dresses if they are playing.
      3. Leggings may be worn under dresses or skirts that come down to the person's fingertips in both the front and the back when relaxing the arms.
      4. Ripped jeans are permitted; however, no skin may be visible above the person's fingertips when relaxing the arms. Leggings may be worn under the ripped jeans to cover the exposed skin.
      5. Shorts must come down to the persons fingertip's when relaxing the arms.
      6. Tops/shirts are to have a modest neckline.
      7. No off-the-shoulder or strapless tops.
      8. No tank tops/camisoles.
      9. No cleavage should be exposed when standing, sitting, or bending.
      10. Midriffs are to be covered in both front and back.
      11. Undergarments, including bras or bra straps, should never be exposed.
    1. Make-up:
      1. Excessive make-up is not allowed.
    2. Piercings:
      1. Female students are permitted to have their ears pierced only.
      1. Male students may not have piercings.
    1. Tattoos:
      1. Tattoos and other bodily markings are not permitted for students.
      1. Adults with tattoos must cover any inappropriate imagery or verbiage.
    1. Hair:
      1. All hairstyles must be gender-appropriate.
    1. Males:
      1. Swim trunks/board shorts must be worn at the natural waistline (no speedos).
    2. Females:
      1. One-piece, modest swimsuits must be worn.
      1. The full bottom must be covered—no high cut side.
      2. No see-through/mesh fabric on any part of the suit.
      3. Midriffs are not to be exposed in both the front and sides.
      4. Straps are required (No strapless swimsuits).
      5. Back must not be cut lower than the navel.
      6. If you do not follow these guidelines at any DCHEA swim event, you will be required to correct the violation or be sent home.
  1. FORMAL:
    1. Males:
      1. Males may not wear a dress or anything customarily worn by females.
    2. Females:
      1. Girls are not to wear suits and ties or anything traditionally worn by a male.
      1. Dresses may include spaghetti straps; however, cleavage must be appropriately covered, and bra straps must not be visible.
      2. Skirt length must touch the top of the knees in both the front and back.
      3. Two-Piece dresses must overlap so that no midriff skin is visible.
      4. Midriffs may not be visible.
      5. Dress/top may not be cut below the waistline.
      6. Undergarments may not be visible. See-through apparel is not permitted.

In addition to the GENERAL code of conduct (sections 1-4) and dress code (sections 5-7), these guidelines apply to all Teen Scenes and Tween events:

    1. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend all Teen Scene and Tween events.
    2. Younger and older siblings may not attend.
    3. Drop off:
      1. It is ok for parents to drop students off at most Teen Scene and Tween events; however, a signed permission slip is required unless a parent or guardian will be attending the event with their student.